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Katie Davis

Clinical Psychologist

Katie is a practicing clinical psychologist, an assistant professor of Psychology at Yeshiva University, and a mother. Her work focuses on developing strategies to enhance learning, attention, and executive functioning in children and young adults. Her writing has been published in academic journals such as Developmental Science, the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, and Annals of Family Medicine, as well as in the news, including in Psychology Today, Reader’s Digest, and New York Magazine. Learn more at

Katie is a practicing clinical psychologist, an assistant professor of Psychology at Yeshiva University, and a mother. Her work focuses on developing strategies to enhance learning, attention, and executive functioning in children and young adults. Her writing has been published in academic journals such as Developmental Science, the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, and Annals of Family Medicine, as well as in the news, including in Psychology Today, Reader’s Digest, and New York Magazine. Learn more at

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