Emily Oster

4 min Read Emily Oster

Emily Oster

Is Cancer Really on the Rise Among Younger Adults?

Breast cancer and new panic headlines

Emily Oster

4 min Read

Within the past few months, we’ve seen a number of studies coming out about increases in cancer over time in younger adults. One angle on this is the role of the pandemic: when routine care was cut back during COVID, some cancer diagnoses were missed. However, not all of these studies are pandemic-related. For example, last September we had headlines about increases in cancer in people under 50.

Perhaps the most comprehensive study of this was released in the past few weeks. The paper, which you can read in full here, documents changes in cancer incidence between 2010 and 2019 in the United States. The headline finding is that there has been an increase in cancer over this period in people under 50.

Today I want to dig into this paper. I want to talk about what it shows, what we learn from it, and whether it is possible to understand why we are seeing these trends.


The analysis in this paper is made possible by the National Cancer Institute’s SEER program, a database with information on cancer cases covering about 26.5% of the U.S. population. It’s a huge data set, which allows for estimation of changes over time in both incidence and mortality.

This paper is focused on cancer incidence and, in particular, incidence in people under 50 (“early-onset cancer”). It is worth noting that incidence and mortality are not the same. Cancer mortality has gone down over time, for nearly all cancers, as treatments have improved. Earlier detection has also helped. This is good news! But even when treatable, cancer is bad. Cancer incidence is an important outcome.

The authors of this paper examine trends over time in 72 distinct types of cancer. Some go up, some go down. Overall cancer incidence in people under 50 has gone up between 2010 and 2019. There is significant demographic heterogeneity: cancer increased in women, decreased in men, increased in some racial groups (American Indian/Alaska Native, Hispanic, Asian), decreased in others (Black), and was flat in others (white).

Alone, the increase and the demographic variation don’t reveal too much, but we can learn more by examining the individual types of cancer.

Impacts by cancer type

This paper estimates changes over time in all 72 of the cancers. In Table 2, the researchers present statistical tests for the significance of any changes they see over time. The paper reports standard p-values to test for significance. Using a typical cutoff of 0.05 for “statistical significance,” 30 types of cancer showed a significant increase or decrease.

That isn’t quite the right way to think about this, though, since when you run many statistical tests (here, one test for each cancer = 72 tests), you expect some of them to be significant simply by statistical accident. It isn’t therefore appropriate to assume all 30 of these are truly significant changes; we want to look for significant changes after adjusting the data for this “multiple hypothesis testing.”

There are a few ways to do this. Unfortunately, some of the more sophisticated ones, like Benjamini-Hochberg, aren’t possible given the information provided in Table 2 (basically, we do not have precise p-values for all tests). The most conservative approach to this is to use something like the Bonferroni correction, which would have us focus on the changes that are significant at p<0.001. 

In the table below, I’ve listed the types of cancer that are either increasing or decreasing significantly by this standard, along with both the average percentage yearly change and the starting level (in cases per 100,000 people).

From this, we get a good sense of what is going on overall in terms of trends. Breast cancer and uterine cancer are going up. Prostate cancer is going down. Colon cancer is going up. Acute myeloid leukemia and liver cancer are going down, and kidney and pancreatic cancer are increasing.

It isn’t just the trend that matters for how we think about these changes. Many of the cancers on this list are extremely rare. Intrahepatic bile duct cancer (for example) has increased by an estimated 8% per year. This is a large increase, but the overall number in 2019 is an estimated 0.2 cases per 100,000 people under 50. That’s about 400 cases per year, meaning the 10-year increase is about 200 cases per year. This is a very small number given the U.S. population.

In the end, what is really going on here is that the overall increase in cancer for younger women is being driven by breast cancer, and the decrease for men is being driven by prostate cancer.

For me, this boils down the question we are most interested in to: why has breast cancer increased in younger women?

Why has breast cancer increased?

The paper is very comprehensive on the topic of overall cancers, but the observation that breast cancer is increasing among younger women is something that others have noticed. A second paper, published in 2022, provided a much more comprehensive analysis of breast cancer in particular, digging more deeply into both the overall patterns of increased diagnosis and a bit into why these are occurring.

The paper confirms the increase in rates in younger women, and in Hispanic, Asian, and American Indian/Alaska Native groups in particular. It asks why this has been happening.

One obvious explanation is changes in screening practices. With more use of mammograms, more cancer cases will be detected. That’s a good thing, not a bad thing, since early detection leads to better outcomes. This paper notes that that probably does explain some of the increase in the 1980s and 1990s, but screening rates in the past decade haven’t changed much. (Since screening is more common after 40, this also would not explain why cancer rates have increased in women under 40.) There are related explanations around reporting, or coding of cancers with unknown initial sites. But the paper ultimately concludes that at least some of the increase in cancer over the past decade is not an artifact of data or measurement.

If we accept that at least some of the increase in cancer is not a change in screening, the question is, then, what it is. This is hard to answer, since many other things change over time. If you see a time trend in some variable, it’s often very, very hard to isolate a single factor (or even several factors) as the cause.

In the case of cancer, we see many explanations: changes in diet, changes in obesity rates, changes in reproductive behaviors, changes in chemical exposures. This is an area rife with misinformation and conspiracies — people speculating on a role for vaccines, for example.

In this second paper, the authors are able to add one more piece of information to the data. In addition to looking at time trends overall, they look at trends by tumor type. What they find is that the increase over the past decade or so is primarily in “hormone receptor–positive” or “HR-positive” tumors, while HR-negative breast cancer has stayed roughly stable. This designation refers to whether the tumor responds to progesterone or estrogen. The authors also find that this HR-positive increase is what is driving the differences across demographic groups.

This doesn’t provide an answer either, but it points in a possible direction. HR-positive tumors are more strongly associated with having a first child at an older age. In one study covering a large population in Europe, having children at all, and having them earlier in life, was associated with a lower risk of HR-positive tumors (but not HR-negative). It is important to note: these results are associations; they aren’t obviously causal. There are reasons to think there might be a relationship here, but it can be hard to isolate birth age from other factors. It’s also true that the impacts are small — women who have any children are about 14% less likely to have this type of cancer.

With these caveats, this explanation is worth exploring because fertility has declined over time and age at first birth has increased. Both could play a role in the change in cancer rates. I say this not to scare people or suggest that you should have had a baby at 19. There are a lot of reasons people choose childbearing at various ages, and the effects estimated in these studies are small. From a population level, though, this is an explanation that seems worth considering.

More generally: for both breast cancer and others, if our goal is to isolate why we see the changes we do, the data will need to go beyond simple time trends and focus on, for example, variations across groups that help tease out explanations.


When I talk about panic headlines, I am usually referring to headlines that make us panic but, actually, are wrong. This is a headline that isn’t quite in that bucket. There does seem to be an increase in breast cancer over time, one that we cannot fully understand. Breast cancer in young women is still very rare, so while this is a real headline of concern, it is important to keep in mind the overall levels.

Of course, one of the main things that is uncomfortable about panic headlines is the feeling that there is nothing we can do to affect the outcome. This is a place where there is something you can do. Mammography and breast self-exams are effective at detecting cancer early, when it is more treatable. There’s more on mammograms in this post, but the bottom line is they do work.

So — be concerned, don’t panic, know your breasts.

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Emily Oster


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I hear from many of you that the information on ParentData makes you feel seen. Wherever you are on your journey, it’s always helpful to know you’re not alone.

Drop an emoji in the comments that best describes your pregnancy or parenting searches lately… 💤🚽🍻🎒💩

Milestones. We celebrate them in pregnancy, in parenting, and they’re a fun thing to celebrate at work too. Just a couple years ago I couldn’t have foreseen what this community would grow into. Today, there are over 400,000 of you here—asking questions, making others feel seen wherever they may be in their journey, and sharing information that supports data > panic. 

It has been a busy summer for the team at ParentData. I’d love to take a moment here to celebrate the 400k milestone. As I’ve said before, it’s more important than ever to put good data in the hands of parents. 

Share this post with a friend who could use a little more data, and a little less parenting overwhelm. 

📷 Me and my oldest, collaborating on “Expecting Better”

Milestones. We celebrate them in pregnancy, in parenting, and they’re a fun thing to celebrate at work too. Just a couple years ago I couldn’t have foreseen what this community would grow into. Today, there are over 400,000 of you here—asking questions, making others feel seen wherever they may be in their journey, and sharing information that supports data > panic.

It has been a busy summer for the team at ParentData. I’d love to take a moment here to celebrate the 400k milestone. As I’ve said before, it’s more important than ever to put good data in the hands of parents.

Share this post with a friend who could use a little more data, and a little less parenting overwhelm.

📷 Me and my oldest, collaborating on “Expecting Better”

I spend a lot of time talking people down after they read the latest panic headline. In most cases, these articles create an unnecessary amount of stress around pregnancy and parenting. This is my pro tip for understanding whether the risk presented is something you should really be worrying about.

Comment “link” for an article with other tools to help you navigate risk and uncertainty.

#emilyoster #parentdata #riskmanagement #parentstruggles #parentingstruggles

I spend a lot of time talking people down after they read the latest panic headline. In most cases, these articles create an unnecessary amount of stress around pregnancy and parenting. This is my pro tip for understanding whether the risk presented is something you should really be worrying about.

Comment “link” for an article with other tools to help you navigate risk and uncertainty.

#emilyoster #parentdata #riskmanagement #parentstruggles #parentingstruggles

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Here’s why I think you don’t have to throw away your baby bottles. ...

Drop your toddlers favorite thing right now in the comments—then grab some popcorn.

Original thread source: Reddit @croc_docs

Drop your toddlers favorite thing right now in the comments—then grab some popcorn.

Original thread source: Reddit @croc_docs

Just keep wiping.

Just keep wiping. ...

Dr. Gillian Goddard sums up what she learned from the Hot Flash  S e x  Survey! Here are some key data takeaways:

🌶️ Among respondents, the most common s e x u a l frequency was 1 to 2 times per month, followed closely by 1 to 2 times per week
🌶️ 37% have found their sweet spot and are happy with the frequency of s e x they are having
🌶️ About 64% of respondents were very or somewhat satisfied with the quality of the s e x they are having

Do any of these findings surprise you? Let us know in the comments!

#hotflash #intimacy #midlifepleasure #parentdata #relationships

Dr. Gillian Goddard sums up what she learned from the Hot Flash S e x Survey! Here are some key data takeaways:

🌶️ Among respondents, the most common s e x u a l frequency was 1 to 2 times per month, followed closely by 1 to 2 times per week
🌶️ 37% have found their sweet spot and are happy with the frequency of s e x they are having
🌶️ About 64% of respondents were very or somewhat satisfied with the quality of the s e x they are having

Do any of these findings surprise you? Let us know in the comments!

#hotflash #intimacy #midlifepleasure #parentdata #relationships

Should your kid be in a car seat on the plane? The AAP recommends that you put kids under 40 pounds into a car seat on airplanes. However, airlines don’t require car seats.

Here’s what we know from a data standpoint:
✈️ The risk of injury to a child on a plane without a carseat is very small (about 1 in 250,000)
✈️ A JAMA Pediatrics paper estimates about 0.4 child air crash deaths per year might be prevented in the U.S. with car seats 
✈️ Cars are far more dangerous than airplanes! The same JAMA paper suggests that if 5% to 10% of families switched to driving, then we would expect more total deaths as a result of this policy. 

If you want to buy a seat for your lap infant, or bring a car seat for an older child, by all means do so! But the additional protection based on the numbers is extremely small.

#parentdata #emilyoster #flyingwithkids #flyingwithbaby #carseats #carseatsafety

Should your kid be in a car seat on the plane? The AAP recommends that you put kids under 40 pounds into a car seat on airplanes. However, airlines don’t require car seats.

Here’s what we know from a data standpoint:
✈️ The risk of injury to a child on a plane without a carseat is very small (about 1 in 250,000)
✈️ A JAMA Pediatrics paper estimates about 0.4 child air crash deaths per year might be prevented in the U.S. with car seats
✈️ Cars are far more dangerous than airplanes! The same JAMA paper suggests that if 5% to 10% of families switched to driving, then we would expect more total deaths as a result of this policy.

If you want to buy a seat for your lap infant, or bring a car seat for an older child, by all means do so! But the additional protection based on the numbers is extremely small.

#parentdata #emilyoster #flyingwithkids #flyingwithbaby #carseats #carseatsafety

SLEEP DATA 💤 PART 2: Let’s talk about naps. Comment “Link” for an article on what we learned about daytime sleep!

The first three months of life are a chaotic combination of irregular napping, many naps, and a few brave or lucky souls who appear to have already arrived at a two-to-three nap schedule. Over the next few months, the naps consolidate to three and then to two. By the 10-to-12-month period, a very large share of kids are napping a consistent two naps per day. Over the period between 12 and 18 months, this shifts toward one nap. And then sometime in the range of 3 to 5 years, naps are dropped. What I think is perhaps most useful about this graph is it gives a lot of color to the average napping ages that we often hear. 

Note: Survey data came from the ParentData audience and users of the Nanit sleep monitor system. Both audiences skew higher-education and higher-income than the average, and mostly have younger children. The final sample is 14,919 children. For more insights on our respondents, read the full article.

SLEEP DATA 💤 PART 2: Let’s talk about naps. Comment “Link” for an article on what we learned about daytime sleep!

The first three months of life are a chaotic combination of irregular napping, many naps, and a few brave or lucky souls who appear to have already arrived at a two-to-three nap schedule. Over the next few months, the naps consolidate to three and then to two. By the 10-to-12-month period, a very large share of kids are napping a consistent two naps per day. Over the period between 12 and 18 months, this shifts toward one nap. And then sometime in the range of 3 to 5 years, naps are dropped. What I think is perhaps most useful about this graph is it gives a lot of color to the average napping ages that we often hear.

Note: Survey data came from the ParentData audience and users of the Nanit sleep monitor system. Both audiences skew higher-education and higher-income than the average, and mostly have younger children. The final sample is 14,919 children. For more insights on our respondents, read the full article.

Happy Father’s Day to the Fathers and Father figures in our ParentData community! 

Tag a Dad who this holiday may be tricky for. We’re sending you love. 💛

Happy Father’s Day to the Fathers and Father figures in our ParentData community!

Tag a Dad who this holiday may be tricky for. We’re sending you love. 💛

“Whilst googling things like ‘new dad sad’ and ‘why am I crying new dad,’ I came across an article written by a doctor who had trouble connecting with his second child. I read the symptoms and felt an odd sense of relief.” Today we’re bringing back an essay by Kevin Maguire of @newfatherhood about his experience with paternal postpartum depression. We need to demystify these issues in order to change things for the better. Comment “Link” for a DM to read his full essay.

#parentdata #postpartum #postpartumdepression #paternalmentalhealth #newparents #emilyoster

“Whilst googling things like ‘new dad sad’ and ‘why am I crying new dad,’ I came across an article written by a doctor who had trouble connecting with his second child. I read the symptoms and felt an odd sense of relief.” Today we’re bringing back an essay by Kevin Maguire of @newfatherhood about his experience with paternal postpartum depression. We need to demystify these issues in order to change things for the better. Comment “Link” for a DM to read his full essay.

#parentdata #postpartum #postpartumdepression #paternalmentalhealth #newparents #emilyoster

What does the data say about children who look more like one parent? Do they also inherit more character traits and mannerisms from that parent? Let’s talk about it 🔎

#emilyoster #parentdata #parentingcommunity #lookslikedaddy #lookslikemommy

What does the data say about children who look more like one parent? Do they also inherit more character traits and mannerisms from that parent? Let’s talk about it 🔎

#emilyoster #parentdata #parentingcommunity #lookslikedaddy #lookslikemommy

SLEEP DATA 💤 We asked you all about your kids’ sleep—and got nearly 15,000 survey responses to better understand kids’ sleep patterns. Comment “Link” for an article that breaks down our findings!

This graph shows sleeping location by age. You’ll notice that for the first three months, most kids are in their own sleeping location in a parent’s room. Then, over the first year, this switches toward their own room. As kids age, sharing a room with a sibling becomes more common. 

Head to the newsletter for more and stay tuned for part two next week on naps! 🌙

#parentdata #emilyoster #childsleep #babysleep #parentingcommunity

SLEEP DATA 💤 We asked you all about your kids’ sleep—and got nearly 15,000 survey responses to better understand kids’ sleep patterns. Comment “Link” for an article that breaks down our findings!

This graph shows sleeping location by age. You’ll notice that for the first three months, most kids are in their own sleeping location in a parent’s room. Then, over the first year, this switches toward their own room. As kids age, sharing a room with a sibling becomes more common.

Head to the newsletter for more and stay tuned for part two next week on naps! 🌙

#parentdata #emilyoster #childsleep #babysleep #parentingcommunity

Weekends are good for extra cups of ☕️ and listening to podcasts. I asked our team how they pod—most people said on walks or during chores. What about you?

Comment “Link” to subscribe to ParentData with Emily Oster, joined by some excellent guests.

#parentdata #parentdatapodcast #parentingpodcast #parentingtips #emilyoster

Weekends are good for extra cups of ☕️ and listening to podcasts. I asked our team how they pod—most people said on walks or during chores. What about you?

Comment “Link” to subscribe to ParentData with Emily Oster, joined by some excellent guests.

#parentdata #parentdatapodcast #parentingpodcast #parentingtips #emilyoster