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Emily Oster

1 minute read Emily Oster

Emily Oster

Are Christmas Trees Bad for Newborns?

Q&A on mold

Emily Oster

1 minute read

Is having a Christmas tree near your newborn bad for the baby? I’m seeing some stuff saying mold on trees can be hazardous.


Happy holidays! There is always something new to worry about…

Christmas trees can, indeed, grow mold and release spores as they decay. Christmas trees are dead, and mold likes dead things, and the longer they’re dead, the more mold. The longer you have a tree in the house, the more mold develops.

For many people, this mold is not an issue. Despite sounding gross and some general feeling that we do not want to be surrounded by mold spores, it isn’t necessarily a problem. This includes babies. There are people who have allergies to mold, or respiratory issues that are exacerbated by mold. Christmas trees can also produce allergy symptoms in some people, arising from pollen or other outdoor material that remains on the tree.

However: for the vast majority of people, having a Christmas tree will not cause any of these symptoms. If you’re worried, keep the tree inside for fewer days.

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