I know many places will not give you a massage in the first trimester because there is some idea that you could touch a pressure point and cause a miscarriage. But that can’t be real, right?
—Too Much Tension
Right, that is not real. There is no data or evidence or logic linking first-trimester massage to miscarriage. There is no secret miscarriage pressure point. A huge share of first-trimester miscarriages — nearly all — are a result of chromosomal abnormalities. These are determined at conception and could not be impacted by massage. There is simply no reason to think massage at any time would cause miscarriage.

The main reason that you may be unlikely to be able to access a massage in the first trimester is liability.
Miscarriage is more common in the first trimester than later. There is a concern, even if not data-based, that a miscarriage that occurs for other reasons might be attributed to the massage. For this reason, you may struggle to find a therapist who will treat you. But if you do, there’s no reason to be concerned.
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I have a similar question (and complaint!) around why massage therapists will not use the same level of pressure during prenatal massages. I find it heard to believe that there is any medical evidence that full pressure could be dangerous for women or the baby at all.