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Emily Oster

2 minute read Emily Oster

Emily Oster

What Accessories Does My Newborn Really Need?

Q&A on mittens, hats, socks, sunglasses, and more

Emily Oster

2 minute read

Two words: newborn accessories.

Coco Chanel famously said, “Before you leave the house, look in the mirror and take one thing off.” Does this apply to babies too?

Hats, mittens, socks, sunglasses… are any of these really necessary? From everything I’ve read, none of them seem to be vital — maybe some for cold-weather exposure. But on an average day in an average house temperature, do I really need to buy these?

—An under-accessorized, overly cautious mom-to-be

When my son was born, a friend gave us an outfit, sized for 3 to 6 months, for fancy dress-up. It included khaki pants, a button-down shirt, a jacket, a beret-style hat, a bowtie, and loafers. I love her for this idea, but, like you, I am an under-accessorizer. The bowtie was certainly a bridge too far. There are few, if any, situations in which your four-month-old needs loafers.

The same is true of sunglasses. Babies do not need sunglasses.

Hats, mittens, and socks are all possibly more practical, as they keep the baby warm. A general baby rule is they should wear one more layer than you. So if you’re planning to be outside and you’re wearing a winter coat, hat, and gloves, your baby should have on a snowsuit, hat, and mittens and probably be under a blanket (the blanket is the extra layer). A simple test for whether the baby is warm enough: their tummy should be warm, but their toes should be cool (not cold). If their toes are hot, they are probably overheated.

In the house, unless you keep your house very cold, these accessories are generally unnecessary. Hats are sometimes used for infants when sleeping, though there is really no reason they need them. Mittens can prevent very small infants from scratching their faces, but this is a transitory issue. Socks do not stay on babies, so buying them (in my opinion) is just an exercise in loss.

Bottom line: try to keep your baby warm enough, but do not stress about accessories. Coco probably had it right.

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