Emily Oster

2 minute read Emily Oster

Emily Oster

Should I Really Feel “Recovered” From Childbirth at Six Weeks?

Q&A on healing

Emily Oster

2 minute read

What’s the data driving the guidelines on six to eight weeks being the standard length of time following vaginal/C-section labor and delivery that a mother is now considered “recovered”? What actually has medically healed in that time that now means a woman can “go back to work” or is not “disabled” anymore?

Mom who did not feel at all “recovered” at 6 weeks pp

As with many things medical, this is an example where some vague sense of the typical length of recovery gets codified into a rule about when people “should” feel better.  

Eight weeks is a typical recovery period for this type of surgery, and six weeks marks a time in which many of the physiological changes of pregnancy have started to normalize. It’s also, perhaps for that reason, when a first postpartum visit happens. Of course, once that system is in place, everything starts to work together — six weeks goes from an abstract, average concept into a rule. 

The reality is twofold. First, the physical changes associated with pregnancy and childbirth are rarely, if ever, totally gone by six weeks. Even with a completely uncomplicated vaginal birth, there are adjustments to physiology that will continue for months. Second, there is a lot of variation.  

Yes, there are people who are ready to be back out in the world two weeks postpartum. There are also those who, at six weeks, are still bleeding significantly and struggling to get around. Postpartum mood varies. Postpartum support varies. It will depend on the number of other kids you have — in both directions! Recovery from a C-section will depend on the circumstances (emergency versus planned), and vaginal birth can be complicated by tearing in various degrees. 

Six weeks is just a number. The answer to when you are recovered is when you feel recovered. Which is why we need more paid leave, but that’s for another conversation. 

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