I just heard the term “mucus plug” and I’m already too freaked-out to google it. What is this? What happens when it “comes out”? (It couldn’t have a more appealing name??)
—Joys of Pregnancy
The human body is a wonder, is it not? And pregnancy discharge, in all its insane forms, is just one tiny part of that wonder….
The mucus plug is just about what it sounds like. It’s a collection of mucus that “plugs” up the opening to the cervix during pregnancy. This helps protect the uterus from bacteria and infection. It’s not the only protection, obviously, but it’s one of the many quite cool ways our bodies adapt to protect the baby.
Sometime either before or during labor, this plug will come out. It can happen a few days or even weeks before labor, which isn’t a concern, or it can happen during labor. If you were to lose the plug all at once, you’d probably notice. It would be a jelly-like object, stringy and likely a bit bloody, one to two inches long. Passing out the mucus plug doesn’t hurt — because of the blood, this is also sometimes called a “bloody show.”
If this happens before labor and you notice it, it’s a sign that labor is probably not too far off. Of course, it could be weeks, so this isn’t a crystal ball.
Many people do not notice when this happens. If you lose it during labor, you surely will not notice. And it often comes out in pieces, which may be largely indistinguishable from all the other end-of-pregnancy discharge.
Bottom line: If this grosses you out, you do not have to think about it! It does not require your attention. I do agree the name could use some work. “Bloody show” is no better than “mucus plug.” Perhaps “cervix savior,” which has more of a positive frame.
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