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Emily Oster

3 minute read Emily Oster

Emily Oster

Wins, Woes, and Hacks

Your stories for the week

Emily Oster

3 minute read

I’ve noticed something interesting about this newsletter. You love to talk to each other, especially about the hard stuff. You enjoy the funny moments and big accomplishments, but the stories that you respond to most are about worry, disappointment, and loss. I’m glad this can be a place where that honesty is rewarded. And I hope you’re taking as much away from it as I am.

Today we have three reader stories and then something new … we want to hear your parenting hacks! As always, the floor is yours.

Shame Spiral


I’m a stay-at-home mom of a two-month-old and 2-year-old. I constantly feel a sense of shame and guilt that my 2-year-old attends day care every day of the week. I notice just how bad it is when I go to tell new friends or acquaintances that I’m just home with my baby and not both kids. On the other hand, I can truly not imagine being home with both and know it’s the right decision for my family. When will this feeling go away? I wish I could be more confident!

Searching for Answers

—Four Weeks of Worry

My husband and I went to the 20-week ultrasound for our second child. Everything seemed normal during the ultrasound, but afterward, we were told that we’d be having another ultrasound at 24 weeks and a consultation with a high-risk maternal fetal medicine specialist. (I am not of advanced maternal age just yet.) Of course, the ultrasound tech could tell us nothing, leaving us googling terms like “choroid plexus cysts” and “fetal aneuploidy” once the ultrasound results were shared a few days later. While my initial research gives me hope that my baby will be OK, it will be an excruciating four weeks of waiting to find out “what next.”

The Biggest Win


I moved my youngest into his college dorm! Officially empty nesting!

Parenting Hack

This week, instead of a reader question, I’m sharing a parenting hack from our reader Karen M.:

My best parenting hack is to collapse all of the dinner-to-bed activity into the bathtub, in order to contain the kids and minimize transitions. Dessert is served in the tub — things like M&Ms or a lollipop instead of crumbly sweets. Then bedtime story, read while the kids are in the tub. Brush teeth (rinse and spit the bathwater). Depending on your comfort level, the kids can also do last pee in the tub on their way out. Then when you’re done with the bath, you can put them right into their tomorrow clothes and call it a night. You may want to wash your tub more frequently. 

Love it. What’s your best parenting hack?

Community Guidelines
Two women stand on a balcony chatting. One is pregnant.

Feb. 27, 2023

6 minute read

Your Best Parenting Advice

ParentData is 3!

A line graph with pink, yellow, and blue dots representing life's ups and downs.

Feb. 21, 2023

3 minute read

Wins, Woes, and Autism

Your stories for the week

A pregnant person is supported by a partner in a pool of water for a water birth.

Updated on Jan. 8, 2025

7 minute read

The Stages of Labor and Best Positions for Each

And what I might have done differently

A toddler sits on a couch poking at an iPad and smiling.

Feb. 16, 2023

4 minute read

Infant Screen Time and Academic Success

Infant screen time and breakfast cereal terror