We’re back, with another question from a reader for you to answer in the comments. You blew us away last week with your thoughtful, kind, and smart answers to Rita’s question. It’s a good reminder that there’s no single right way to parent. We’re all doing a great job!
Sunscreen station
We lay out a beach towel near the door and create lots of excitement to get to this station before leaving for the day. Both my kiddos, 18 months and 4.5 years old, seem to gravitate to this novel concept, which allows for much less fuss and much less mess (or at least contained fuss and mess, ha)! A win-win. I learned this from another mom and it now seems so obvious, but it wasn’t to me, so I had to share.
Real talk
—PPD Parenting
Had our first baby four months ago, and I have been struggling with postpartum depression and anxiety, off and on since we got home from the hospital. As someone who has always been energetic, optimistic, and hopeful, I’ve found myself feeling immense amounts of guilt at the occasional feelings of “regret” I have over our decision to become parents — not because we don’t love our amazing baby (she is perfect in every way!) but because of how awful I have felt physically and emotionally since we gave birth. I am getting help and I know it will pass, but I just wanted to share this in case anyone else is out there going through it. I know in my heart that I will get to enjoy this journey — someday soon.
Thanks, but no thanks
—Still Cleaning for No One But Myself
I spent an hour deep-cleaning my 3.5-year-old’s room — picked up the Legos, changed the sheets, dusted, and vacuumed. It looked better than it had in months. As I sighed with pleasure at my hard work, my son ran in and exclaimed “GOD DAMMIT! Who do this?!” And proceeded to unmake the bed and put his Legos back on the floor. Clearly he did not inherit my tidy tendencies.
Time for you to help
Our reader writes:
What are the advantages and disadvantages of moving away from family? We love our family but also dislike where we live. Feeling guilty. Is moving away bad?
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