Emily Oster

2 minute read Emily Oster

Emily Oster

Do I Really Need to Avoid Heavy Lifting While Pregnant?

Q&A on the data

Emily Oster

2 minute read

I’m currently pregnant with #2, and while I was able to avoid “heavy lifting” when pregnant with my first, I’m truly not able to these days. Which got me thinking, what’s the deal with that advice anyway? My question isn’t about exercise, but a bit different and is about generally lifting heavy things when pregnant. Is the concern just tearing (a loose/stretched from pregnancy) joint/ligament? Is there a specific trimester that it should be most avoided? Where is the data on heavy lifting coming from?

—Mom of a heavy toddler, with shit to do that requires heavy lifting

I have always felt that the advice not to lift things over 30 or 40 pounds during pregnancy was like trolling pregnant people who have toddlers. And after looking into it, it basically is.

The concerns about lifting in pregnancy stem from jobs involving heavy lifting. One worry is about joint and ligament stress, since joints can loosen in pregnancy and injury becomes more of a risk. This is a reason for there to be workplace pregnancy accommodations. However: in studies that look at lifting in the workplace, we’re talking about lifting 400 or more pounds, and repeatedly, all day. This isn’t life with a toddler, even a big one.

a pregnant adult in gym holding dumb bells
Gustavo Fring / Pexels

The second lifting concern is a risk of miscarriage, but the best data doesn’t support this. Although in some studies, very extensive occupational lifting has been linked to miscarriage, these links are not consistent and may well reflect other biases.

More directly: a 2023 study of almost 700 individuals engaged in heavy weight lifting (a lot of CrossFit) found those who continued weightlifting during pregnancy had similar pregnancy outcomes to those who stopped lifting. 

As your pregnancy goes on, listen to your body. You do not want to throw out your back or knees lifting your toddler. But, being careful about this injury risk, go ahead and lift away.

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