My doctor recommended I continue taking prenatal vitamins for postpartum (I think as long as I’m breastfeeding). There are also vitamins marketed as “postnatal.” Are there evidence-based guidelines here?
There is no particular reason to take any vitamins postnatally, at least based on the evidence.
There are several differences between prenatal and postnatal vitamins. Prenatal vitamins have more folic acid and iron. Postnatal vitamins have more vitamin D and vitamin B.

In your prenatal vitamins, as I have written elsewhere, folic acid is the most important nutrient, followed by iron. DHA, an omega-3 fatty acid, has some limited evidence. Everything else in there is probably unnecessary — unless you eat a really, really limited diet, you’re likely getting enough of the other nutrients.
Postnatally, a lot of women are anemic, so it may make sense to continue to take an iron supplement (you can get this separately). The other components of a prenatal vitamin are not necessary. And, again, unless you’re eating a very restrictive diet, you’re getting enough vitamin B, D, and all the other ones.
I don’t want to be aggressively negative, but for the most part, vitamins are a huge waste. If you want to continue to take your prenatal, or switch to a postnatal, or take some gummy vitamins from your kid, any of that is fine. But none of it is necessary.
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